RandomSharpness layer


RandomSharpness class

    factor, value_range=(0, 255), data_format=None, seed=None, **kwargs

Randomly performs the sharpness operation on given images.

The sharpness operation first performs a blur, then blends between the original image and the processed image. This operation adjusts the clarity of the edges in an image, ranging from blurred to enhanced sharpness.


  • factor: A tuple of two floats or a single float. factor controls the extent to which the image sharpness is impacted. factor=0.0 results in a fully blurred image, factor=0.5 applies no operation (preserving the original image), and factor=1.0 enhances the sharpness beyond the original. Values should be between 0.0 and 1.0. If a tuple is used, a factor is sampled between the two values for every image augmented. If a single float is used, a value between 0.0 and the passed float is sampled. To ensure the value is always the same, pass a tuple with two identical floats: (0.5, 0.5).
  • value_range: the range of values the incoming images will have. Represented as a two-number tuple written [low, high]. This is typically either [0, 1] or [0, 255] depending on how your preprocessing pipeline is set up.
  • seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed.