

JaxLayer class

    call_fn, init_fn=None, params=None, state=None, seed=None, **kwargs

Keras Layer that wraps a JAX model.

This layer enables the use of JAX components within Keras when using JAX as the backend for Keras.

Model function

This layer accepts JAX models in the form of a function, call_fn, which must take the following arguments with these exact names:

  • params: trainable parameters of the model.
  • state (optional): non-trainable state of the model. Can be omitted if the model has no non-trainable state.
  • rng (optional): a jax.random.PRNGKey instance. Can be omitted if the model does not need RNGs, neither during training nor during inference.
  • inputs: inputs to the model, a JAX array or a PyTree of arrays.
  • training (optional): an argument specifying if we're in training mode or inference mode, True is passed in training mode. Can be omitted if the model behaves the same in training mode and inference mode.

The inputs argument is mandatory. Inputs to the model must be provided via a single argument. If the JAX model takes multiple inputs as separate arguments, they must be combined into a single structure, for instance in a tuple or a dict.

Model weights initialization

The initialization of the params and state of the model can be handled by this layer, in which case the init_fn argument must be provided. This allows the model to be initialized dynamically with the right shape. Alternatively, and if the shape is known, the params argument and optionally the state argument can be used to create an already initialized model.

The init_fn function, if provided, must take the following arguments with these exact names:

  • rng: a jax.random.PRNGKey instance.
  • inputs: a JAX array or a PyTree of arrays with placeholder values to provide the shape of the inputs.
  • training (optional): an argument specifying if we're in training mode or inference mode. True is always passed to init_fn. Can be omitted regardless of whether call_fn has a training argument.

Models with non-trainable state

For JAX models that have non-trainable state:

  • call_fn must have a state argument
  • call_fn must return a tuple containing the outputs of the model and the new non-trainable state of the model
  • init_fn must return a tuple containing the initial trainable params of the model and the initial non-trainable state of the model.

This code shows a possible combination of call_fn and init_fn signatures for a model with non-trainable state. In this example, the model has a training argument and an rng argument in call_fn.

def stateful_call(params, state, rng, inputs, training):
    outputs = ...
    new_state = ...
    return outputs, new_state

def stateful_init(rng, inputs):
    initial_params = ...
    initial_state = ...
    return initial_params, initial_state

Models without non-trainable state

For JAX models with no non-trainable state:

  • call_fn must not have a state argument
  • call_fn must return only the outputs of the model
  • init_fn must return only the initial trainable params of the model.

This code shows a possible combination of call_fn and init_fn signatures for a model without non-trainable state. In this example, the model does not have a training argument and does not have an rng argument in call_fn.

def stateless_call(params, inputs):
    outputs = ...
    return outputs

def stateless_init(rng, inputs):
    initial_params = ...
    return initial_params

Conforming to the required signature

If a model has a different signature than the one required by JaxLayer, one can easily write a wrapper method to adapt the arguments. This example shows a model that has multiple inputs as separate arguments, expects multiple RNGs in a dict, and has a deterministic argument with the opposite meaning of training. To conform, the inputs are combined in a single structure using a tuple, the RNG is split and used the populate the expected dict, and the Boolean flag is negated:

def my_model_fn(params, rngs, input1, input2, deterministic):
    if not deterministic:
        dropout_rng = rngs["dropout"]
        keep = jax.random.bernoulli(dropout_rng, dropout_rate, x.shape)
        x = jax.numpy.where(keep, x / dropout_rate, 0)
    return outputs

def my_model_wrapper_fn(params, rng, inputs, training):
    input1, input2 = inputs
    rng1, rng2 = jax.random.split(rng)
    rngs = {"dropout": rng1, "preprocessing": rng2}
    deterministic = not training
    return my_model_fn(params, rngs, input1, input2, deterministic)

keras_layer = JaxLayer(my_model_wrapper_fn, params=initial_params)

Usage with Haiku modules

JaxLayer enables the use of Haiku components in the form of haiku.Module. This is achieved by transforming the module per the Haiku pattern and then passing module.apply in the call_fn parameter and module.init in the init_fn parameter if needed.

If the model has non-trainable state, it should be transformed with haiku.transform_with_state. If the model has no non-trainable state, it should be transformed with haiku.transform. Additionally, and optionally, if the module does not use RNGs in "apply", it can be transformed with haiku.without_apply_rng.

The following example shows how to create a JaxLayer from a Haiku module that uses random number generators via hk.next_rng_key() and takes a training positional argument:

class MyHaikuModule(hk.Module):
    def __call__(self, x, training):
        x = hk.Conv2D(32, (3, 3))(x)
        x = jax.nn.relu(x)
        x = hk.AvgPool((1, 2, 2, 1), (1, 2, 2, 1), "VALID")(x)
        x = hk.Flatten()(x)
        x = hk.Linear(200)(x)
        if training:
            x = hk.dropout(rng=hk.next_rng_key(), rate=0.3, x=x)
        x = jax.nn.relu(x)
        x = hk.Linear(10)(x)
        x = jax.nn.softmax(x)
        return x

def my_haiku_module_fn(inputs, training):
    module = MyHaikuModule()
    return module(inputs, training)

transformed_module = hk.transform(my_haiku_module_fn)

keras_layer = JaxLayer(


  • call_fn: The function to call the model. See description above for the list of arguments it takes and the outputs it returns. init_fn: the function to call to initialize the model. See description above for the list of arguments it takes and the outputs it returns. If None, then params and/or state must be provided.
  • params: A PyTree containing all the model trainable parameters. This allows passing trained parameters or controlling the initialization. If both params and state are None, init_fn is called at build time to initialize the trainable parameters of the model.
  • state: A PyTree containing all the model non-trainable state. This allows passing learned state or controlling the initialization. If both params and state are None, and call_fn takes a state argument, then init_fn is called at build time to initialize the non-trainable state of the model.
  • seed: Seed for random number generator. Optional.
  • dtype: The dtype of the layer's computations and weights. Can also be a keras.DTypePolicy. Optional. Defaults to the default policy.