ImageConverter layer


ImageConverter class


Preprocess raw images into model ready inputs.

This class converts from raw images to model ready inputs. This conversion proceeds in the following steps:

  1. Resize the image using to image_size. If image_size is None, this step will be skipped.
  2. Rescale the image by multiplying by scale, which can be either global or per channel. If scale is None, this step will be skipped.
  3. Offset the image by adding offset, which can be either global or per channel. If offset is None, this step will be skipped.

The layer will take as input a raw image tensor in the channels last or channels first format, and output a preprocessed image input for modeling. This tensor can be batched (rank 4), or unbatched (rank 3).

This layer can be used with the from_preset() constructor to load a layer that will rescale and resize an image for a specific pretrained model. Using the layer this way allows writing preprocessing code that does not need updating when switching between model checkpoints.


  • image_size: (int, int) tuple or None. The output size of the image, not including the channels axis. If None, the input will not be resized.
  • scale: float, tuple of floats, or None. The scale to apply to the inputs. If scale is a single float, the entire input will be multiplied by scale. If scale is a tuple, it's assumed to contain per-channel scale value multiplied against each channel of the input images. If scale is None, no scaling is applied.
  • offset: float, tuple of floats, or None. The offset to apply to the inputs. If offset is a single float, the entire input will be summed with offset. If offset is a tuple, it's assumed to contain per-channel offset value summed against each channel of the input images. If offset is None, no scaling is applied.
  • crop_to_aspect_ratio: If True, resize the images without aspect ratio distortion. When the original aspect ratio differs from the target aspect ratio, the output image will be cropped so as to return the largest possible window in the image (of size (height, width)) that matches the target aspect ratio. By default (crop_to_aspect_ratio=False), aspect ratio may not be preserved.
  • interpolation: String, the interpolation method. Supports "bilinear", "nearest", "bicubic", "lanczos3", "lanczos5". Defaults to "bilinear".
  • data_format: String, either "channels_last" or "channels_first". The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. "channels_last" corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while "channels_first" corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last".


# Resize raw images and scale them to [0, 1].
converter = keras_hub.layers.ImageConverter(
    image_size=(128, 128),
    scale=1. / 255,
converter(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(2, 512, 512, 3)))

# Resize images to the specific size needed for a PaliGemma preset.
converter = keras_hub.layers.ImageConverter.from_preset(
converter(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(2, 512, 512, 3)))


from_preset method

ImageConverter.from_preset(preset, **kwargs)

Instantiate a keras_hub.layers.ImageConverter from a model preset.

A preset is a directory of configs, weights and other file assets used to save and load a pre-trained model. The preset can be passed as one of:

  1. a built-in preset identifier like 'pali_gemma_3b_224'
  2. a Kaggle Models handle like 'kaggle://user/paligemma/keras/pali_gemma_3b_224'
  3. a Hugging Face handle like 'hf://user/pali_gemma_3b_224'
  4. a path to a local preset directory like './pali_gemma_3b_224'

You can run cls.presets.keys() to list all built-in presets available on the class.


  • preset: string. A built-in preset identifier, a Kaggle Models handle, a Hugging Face handle, or a path to a local directory.
  • load_weights: bool. If True, the weights will be loaded into the model architecture. If False, the weights will be randomly initialized.


batch = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(2, 512, 512, 3))

# Resize images for `"pali_gemma_3b_224"`.
converter = keras_hub.layers.ImageConverter.from_preset(
converter(batch) # # Output shape (2, 224, 224, 3)

# Resize images for `"pali_gemma_3b_448"` without cropping.
converter = keras_hub.layers.ImageConverter.from_preset(
converter(batch) # # Output shape (2, 448, 448, 3)
Preset Parameters Description
clip_vit_base_patch16 149.62M 150 million parameter, 12-layer for vision and 12-layer for text, patch size of 16, CLIP model.
clip_vit_base_patch32 151.28M 151 million parameter, 12-layer for vision and 12-layer for text, patch size of 32, CLIP model.
clip_vit_b_32_laion2b_s34b_b79k 151.28M 151 million parameter, 12-layer for vision and 12-layer for text, patch size of 32, Open CLIP model.
clip_vit_large_patch14 427.62M 428 million parameter, 24-layer for vision and 12-layer for text, patch size of 14, CLIP model.
clip_vit_large_patch14_336 427.94M 428 million parameter, 24-layer for vision and 12-layer for text, patch size of 14, image size of 336, CLIP model.
clip_vit_h_14_laion2b_s32b_b79k 986.11M 986 million parameter, 32-layer for vision and 24-layer for text, patch size of 14, Open CLIP model.
clip_vit_g_14_laion2b_s12b_b42k 1.37B 1.4 billion parameter, 40-layer for vision and 24-layer for text, patch size of 14, Open CLIP model.
clip_vit_bigg_14_laion2b_39b_b160k 2.54B 2.5 billion parameter, 48-layer for vision and 32-layer for text, patch size of 14, Open CLIP model.
deeplab_v3_plus_resnet50_pascalvoc 39.19M DeepLabV3+ model with ResNet50 as image encoder and trained on augmented Pascal VOC dataset by Semantic Boundaries Dataset(SBD)which is having categorical accuracy of 90.01 and 0.63 Mean IoU.
densenet_121_imagenet 7.04M 121-layer DenseNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
densenet_169_imagenet 12.64M 169-layer DenseNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
densenet_201_imagenet 18.32M 201-layer DenseNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
efficientnet_lite0_ra_imagenet 4.65M EfficientNet-Lite model fine-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment recipe.
efficientnet_b0_ra_imagenet 5.29M EfficientNet B0 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment recipe.
efficientnet_b0_ra4_e3600_r224_imagenet 5.29M EfficientNet B0 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset by Ross Wightman. Trained with timm scripts using hyper-parameters inspired by the MobileNet-V4 small, mixed with go-to hparams from timm and "ResNet Strikes Back".
efficientnet_es_ra_imagenet 5.44M EfficientNet-EdgeTPU Small model trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment recipe.
efficientnet_em_ra2_imagenet 6.90M EfficientNet-EdgeTPU Medium model trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment2 recipe.
efficientnet_b1_ft_imagenet 7.79M EfficientNet B1 model fine-tuned on the ImageNet 1k dataset.
efficientnet_b1_ra4_e3600_r240_imagenet 7.79M EfficientNet B1 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset by Ross Wightman. Trained with timm scripts using hyper-parameters inspired by the MobileNet-V4 small, mixed with go-to hparams from timm and "ResNet Strikes Back".
efficientnet_b2_ra_imagenet 9.11M EfficientNet B2 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment recipe.
efficientnet_el_ra_imagenet 10.59M EfficientNet-EdgeTPU Large model trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment recipe.
efficientnet_b3_ra2_imagenet 12.23M EfficientNet B3 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment2 recipe.
efficientnet_b4_ra2_imagenet 19.34M EfficientNet B4 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset with RandAugment2 recipe.
efficientnet_b5_sw_imagenet 30.39M EfficientNet B5 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 12k dataset by Ross Wightman. Based on Swin Transformer train / pretrain recipe with modifications (related to both DeiT and ConvNeXt recipes).
efficientnet_b5_sw_ft_imagenet 30.39M EfficientNet B5 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 12k dataset and fine-tuned on ImageNet-1k by Ross Wightman. Based on Swin Transformer train / pretrain recipe with modifications (related to both DeiT and ConvNeXt recipes).
mit_b0_ade20k_512 3.32M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b0_cityscapes_1024 3.32M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b1_ade20k_512 13.16M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b1_cityscapes_1024 13.16M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b2_ade20k_512 24.20M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 16 transformer blocks.
mit_b2_cityscapes_1024 24.20M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 16 transformer blocks.
mit_b3_ade20k_512 44.08M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 28 transformer blocks.
mit_b3_cityscapes_1024 44.08M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 28 transformer blocks.
mit_b4_ade20k_512 60.85M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 41 transformer blocks.
mit_b4_cityscapes_1024 60.85M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 41 transformer blocks.
mit_b5_ade20k_640 81.45M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 52 transformer blocks.
mit_b5_cityscapes_1024 81.45M MiT (MixTransformer) model with 52 transformer blocks.
pali_gemma_3b_mix_224 2.92B image size 224, mix fine tuned, text sequence length is 256
pali_gemma_3b_224 2.92B image size 224, pre trained, text sequence length is 128
pali_gemma_3b_mix_448 2.92B image size 448, mix fine tuned, text sequence length is 512
pali_gemma_3b_448 2.92B image size 448, pre trained, text sequence length is 512
pali_gemma_3b_896 2.93B image size 896, pre trained, text sequence length is 512
pali_gemma2_pt_3b_224 3.03B 3 billion parameter, image size 224, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 26-layer Gemma2 2B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_3b_ft_docci_448 3.03B 3 billion parameter, image size 448, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 26-layer Gemma2 2B lanuage model. This model has been fine-tuned on the DOCCI dataset for improved descriptions with fine-grained details.
pali_gemma2_pt_3b_448 3.03B 3 billion parameter, image size 448, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 26-layer Gemma2 2B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_3b_896 3.04B 3 billion parameter, image size 896, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 26-layer Gemma2 2B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_10b_224 9.66B 10 billion parameter, image size 224, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 42-layer Gemma2 9B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_28b_224 9.66B 28 billion parameter, image size 224, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 46-layer Gemma2 27B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_10b_ft_docci_448 9.66B 10 billion parameter, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 42-layer Gemma2 9B lanuage model. This model has been fine-tuned on the DOCCI dataset for improved descriptions with fine-grained details.
pali_gemma2_pt_10b_448 9.66B 10 billion parameter, image size 448, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 42-layer Gemma2 9B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_28b_448 9.66B 28 billion parameter, image size 448, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 46-layer Gemma2 27B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_10b_896 9.67B 10 billion parameter, image size 896, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 42-layer Gemma2 9B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
pali_gemma2_pt_28b_896 9.67B 28 billion parameter, image size 896, 27-layer for SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and 46-layer Gemma2 27B lanuage model. This model has been pre-trained on a mixture of datasets.
resnet_18_imagenet 11.19M 18-layer ResNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_18_imagenet 11.72M 18-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_34_imagenet 21.84M 34-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_50_imagenet 23.56M 50-layer ResNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_v2_50_imagenet 23.56M 50-layer ResNetV2 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_50_imagenet 25.63M 50-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_50_ssld_imagenet 25.63M 50-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution with knowledge distillation.
resnet_vd_50_ssld_v2_imagenet 25.63M 50-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution with knowledge distillation and AutoAugment.
resnet_vd_50_ssld_v2_fix_imagenet 25.63M 50-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution with knowledge distillation, AutoAugment and additional fine-tuning of the classification head.
resnet_101_imagenet 42.61M 101-layer ResNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_v2_101_imagenet 42.61M 101-layer ResNetV2 model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_101_imagenet 44.67M 101-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_101_ssld_imagenet 44.67M 101-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution with knowledge distillation.
resnet_152_imagenet 58.30M 152-layer ResNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_152_imagenet 60.36M 152-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
resnet_vd_200_imagenet 74.93M 200-layer ResNetVD (ResNet with bag of tricks) model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
retinanet_resnet50_fpn_coco 34.12M RetinaNet model with ResNet50 backbone fine-tuned on COCO in 800x800 resolution.
sam_base_sa1b 93.74M The base SAM model trained on the SA1B dataset.
sam_huge_sa1b 312.34M The huge SAM model trained on the SA1B dataset.
sam_large_sa1b 641.09M The large SAM model trained on the SA1B dataset.
vgg_11_imagenet 9.22M 11-layer vgg model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
vgg_13_imagenet 9.40M 13-layer vgg model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
vgg_16_imagenet 14.71M 16-layer vgg model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.
vgg_19_imagenet 20.02M 19-layer vgg model pre-trained on the ImageNet 1k dataset at a 224x224 resolution.