tokenizer, sequence_length=512, truncate="round_robin", **kwargs
A ELECTRA preprocessing layer which tokenizes and packs inputs.
This preprocessing layer will do three things:
with the appropriate "[CLS]"
, "[SEP]"
and "[PAD]"
and "padding_mask"
that can be passed directly to a ELECTRA model.This layer can be used directly with tf.data.Dataset.map
to preprocess
string data in the (x, y, sample_weight)
format used by
. The value can be either
or waterfall
- "round_robin"
: Available space is assigned one token at a
time in a round-robin fashion to the inputs that still need
some, until the limit is reached.
- "waterfall"
: The allocation of the budget is done using a
"waterfall" algorithm that allocates quota in a
left-to-right manner and fills up the buckets until we run
out of budget. It supports an arbitrary number of segments.Call arguments
Directly calling the layer on data.
preprocessor = keras_nlp.models.ElectraPreprocessor.from_preset(
preprocessor(["The quick brown fox jumped.", "Call me Ishmael."])
# Custom vocabulary.
vocab = ["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"]
vocab += ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "."]
tokenizer = keras_nlp.models.ElectraTokenizer(vocabulary=vocab)
preprocessor = keras_nlp.models.ElectraPreprocessor(tokenizer)
preprocessor("The quick brown fox jumped.")
Mapping with tf.data.Dataset
preprocessor = keras_nlp.models.ElectraPreprocessor.from_preset(
first = tf.constant(["The quick brown fox jumped.", "Call me Ishmael."])
second = tf.constant(["The fox tripped.", "Oh look, a whale."])
label = tf.constant([1, 1])
# Map labeled single sentences.
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((first, label))
ds = ds.map(preprocessor, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
# Map unlabeled single sentences.
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(first)
ds = ds.map(preprocessor, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
# Map labeled sentence pairs.
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(((first, second), label))
ds = ds.map(preprocessor, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
# Map unlabeled sentence pairs.
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((first, second))
# Watch out for tf.data's default unpacking of tuples here!
# Best to invoke the `preprocessor` directly in this case.
ds = ds.map(
lambda first, second: preprocessor(x=(first, second)),
methodElectraPreprocessor.from_preset(preset, **kwargs)
Instantiate a keras_nlp.models.Preprocessor
from a model preset.
A preset is a directory of configs, weights and other file assets used
to save and load a pre-trained model. The preset
can be passed as a
one of:
For any Preprocessor
subclass, you can run cls.presets.keys()
list all built-in presets available on the class.
As there are usually multiple preprocessing classes for a given model,
this method should be called on a specific subclass like
# Load a preprocessor for Gemma generation.
preprocessor = keras_nlp.models.GemmaCausalLMPreprocessor.from_preset(
# Load a preprocessor for Bert classification.
preprocessor = keras_nlp.models.BertPreprocessor.from_preset(
Preset name | Parameters | Description |
electra_small_discriminator_uncased_en | 13.55M | 12-layer small ELECTRA discriminator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
electra_small_generator_uncased_en | 13.55M | 12-layer small ELECTRA generator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
electra_base_discriminator_uncased_en | 109.48M | 12-layer base ELECTRA discriminator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
electra_base_generator_uncased_en | 33.58M | 12-layer base ELECTRA generator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
electra_large_discriminator_uncased_en | 335.14M | 24-layer large ELECTRA discriminator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
electra_large_generator_uncased_en | 51.07M | 24-layer large ELECTRA generator model. All inputs are lowercased. Trained on English Wikipedia + BooksCorpus. |
The tokenizer used to tokenize strings.