Keras 3 API documentation / KerasHub / Tokenizers / UnicodeCodepointTokenizer



UnicodeCodepointTokenizer class


A unicode character tokenizer layer.

This tokenizer is a vocabulary free tokenizer which tokenizes text as unicode character codepoints.

Tokenizer outputs can either be padded and truncated with a sequence_length argument, or left un-truncated. The exact output will depend on the rank of the input tensors.

If input is a batch of strings (rank > 0): By default, the layer will output a tf.RaggedTensor where the last dimension of the output is ragged. If sequence_length is set, the layer will output a dense tf.Tensor where all inputs have been padded or truncated to sequence_length.

If input is a scalar string (rank == 0): By default, the layer will output a dense tf.Tensor with static shape [None]. If sequence_length is set, the output will be a dense tf.Tensor of shape [sequence_length].

The output dtype can be controlled via the dtype argument, which should be an integer type ("int16", "int32", etc.).


  • lowercase: If True, the input text will be first lowered before tokenization.
  • sequence_length: If set, the output will be converted to a dense tensor and padded/trimmed so all outputs are of sequence_length.
  • normalization_form: One of the following string values (None, 'NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', 'NFKD'). If set will normalize unicode to the given form before tokenizing.
  • errors: One of ('replace', 'remove', 'strict'). Specifies the detokenize() behavior when an invalid codepoint is encountered. The value of 'strict' will cause the tokenizer to produce a InvalidArgument error on any invalid input formatting. A value of 'replace' will cause the tokenizer to replace any invalid formatting in the input with the replacement_char codepoint. A value of 'ignore' will cause the tokenizer to skip any invalid formatting in the input and produce no corresponding output character.
  • replacement_char: The unicode codepoint to use in place of invalid codepoints. (U+FFFD) is 65533. Defaults to 65533.
  • input_encoding: One of ("UTF-8", "UTF-16-BE", or "UTF-32-BE"). One of The encoding of the input text. Defaults to "UTF-8".
  • output_encoding: One of ("UTF-8", "UTF-16-BE", or "UTF-32-BE"). The encoding of the output text. Defaults to "UTF-8".
  • vocabulary_size: Set the vocabulary vocabulary_size, by clamping all codepoints to the range [0, vocabulary_size). Effectively this will make the vocabulary_size - 1 id the the OOV value.


Basic Usage.

>>> inputs = "Unicode Tokenizer"
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer()
>>> outputs = tokenizer(inputs)
>>> np.array(outputs)
array([117, 110, 105,  99, 111, 100, 101,  32, 116, 111, 107, 101, 110,
    105, 122, 101, 114], dtype=int32)

Ragged outputs.

>>> inputs = ["पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer()
>>> seq1, seq2 = tokenizer(inputs)
>>> np.array(seq1)
array([2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340, 2325])
>>> np.array(seq2)
array([1705, 1578, 1575, 1576])

Dense outputs.

>>> inputs = ["पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     sequence_length=8)
>>> seq1, seq2 = tokenizer(inputs)
>>> np.array(seq1)
array([2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340, 2325,    0,    0], dtype=int32)
>>> np.array(seq2)
array([1705, 1578, 1575, 1576,    0,    0,    0,    0], dtype=int32)

Tokenize, then batch for ragged outputs.

>>> inputs = ["Book", "पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer()
>>> ds =
>>> ds =
>>> ds = ds.apply(
>>> ds.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.RaggedTensor [[98, 111, 111, 107],
    [2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340, 2325],
    [1705, 1578, 1575, 1576]]>

Batch, then tokenize for ragged outputs.

>>> inputs = ["Book", "पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer()
>>> ds =
>>> ds = ds.batch(3).map(tokenizer)
>>> ds.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.RaggedTensor [[98, 111, 111, 107],
    [2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340, 2325],
    [1705, 1578, 1575, 1576]]>

Tokenize, then batch for dense outputs (sequence_length provided).

>>> inputs = ["Book", "पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     sequence_length=5)
>>> ds =
>>> ds =
>>> ds = ds.apply(
>>> ds.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.Tensor: shape=(3, 5), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[  98,  111,  111,  107,    0],
    [2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340],
    [1705, 1578, 1575, 1576,    0]], dtype=int32)>

Batch, then tokenize for dense outputs (sequence_length provided).

>>> inputs = ["Book", "पुस्तक", "کتاب"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     sequence_length=5)
>>> ds =
>>> ds = ds.batch(3).map(tokenizer)
>>> ds.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.Tensor: shape=(3, 5), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[  98,  111,  111,  107,    0],
    [2346, 2369, 2360, 2381, 2340],
    [1705, 1578, 1575, 1576,    0]], dtype=int32)>

Tokenization with truncation.

>>> inputs = ["I Like to Travel a Lot", "मैं किताबें पढ़ना पसंद करता हूं"]
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     sequence_length=5)
>>> outputs = tokenizer(inputs)
>>> np.array(outputs)
array([[ 105,   32,  108,  105,  107],
       [2350, 2376, 2306,   32, 2325]], dtype=int32)

Tokenization with vocabulary_size.

>>> latin_ext_cutoff = 592
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     vocabulary_size=latin_ext_cutoff)
>>> outputs = tokenizer("¿Cómo estás?")
>>> np.array(outputs)
array([191,  99, 243, 109, 111,  32, 101, 115, 116, 225, 115,  63],
>>> outputs = tokenizer("आप कैसे हैं")
>>> np.array(outputs)
array([591, 591,  32, 591, 591, 591, 591,  32, 591, 591, 591],


>>> inputs = tf.constant([110, 105, 110, 106,  97], dtype="int32")
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer()
>>> tokenizer.detokenize(inputs)

Detokenization with padding.

>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     sequence_length=7)
>>> dataset =["a b c", "b c", "a"])
>>> dataset =
>>> dataset.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.Tensor: shape=(7,), dtype=int32,
    numpy=array([97, 32, 98, 32, 99,  0,  0], dtype=int32)>
>>> detokunbatched =
>>> detokunbatched.take(1).get_single_element()
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=string, numpy=b'a b c'>

Detokenization with invalid bytes.

>>> inputs = tf.constant([110, 105, 10000000, 110, 106,  97])
>>> tokenizer = keras_hub.tokenizers.UnicodeCodepointTokenizer(
...     errors="replace", replacement_char=88)
>>> tokenizer.detokenize(inputs)


tokenize method


Transform input tensors of strings into output tokens.


  • inputs: Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors.
  • *args: Additional positional arguments.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.


detokenize method


Transform tokens back into strings.


  • inputs: Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors.
  • *args: Additional positional arguments.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.


get_vocabulary method


Get the tokenizer vocabulary as a list of strings terms.


vocabulary_size method


Get the size of the tokenizer vocabulary. None implies no vocabulary size was provided


token_to_id method


Convert a string token to an integer id.


id_to_token method


Convert an integer id to a string token.