Keras 3 API documentation / KerasHub / Modeling Layers / FNetEncoder layer

FNetEncoder layer


FNetEncoder class


FNet encoder.

This class follows the architecture of FNet encoder layer in the FNet paper. Users can instantiate multiple instances of this class to stack up the encoder.

Note on masking: In the official FNet code, padding tokens are added to the the input. However, the padding masks are deleted, i.e., mixing of all tokens is done. This is because certain frequencies will be zeroed out if we apply padding masks in every encoder layer. Hence, we don't take padding mask as input in the call() function.


  • intermediate_dim: int. The hidden size of feedforward network.
  • dropout: float. The dropout value, applied in the feedforward network. Defaults to 0..
  • activation: string or keras.activations. The activation function of feedforward network. Defaults to "relu".
  • layer_norm_epsilon: float. The epsilon value in layer normalization components. Defaults to 1e-5.
  • kernel_initializer: str or keras.initializers initializer. The kernel initializer for the dense layers. Defaults to "glorot_uniform".
  • bias_initializer: "string" or keras.initializers initializer. The bias initializer for the dense layers. Defaults to "zeros".
  • **kwargs: other keyword arguments passed to keras.layers.Layer, including name, trainable, dtype etc.


# Create a single FNet encoder layer.
encoder = keras_hub.layers.FNetEncoder(

# Create a simple model containing the encoder.
input = keras.Input(shape=(10, 64))
output = encoder(input)
model = keras.Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)

# Call encoder on the inputs.
input_data = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 10, 64))
output = model(input_data)
